
- 详细内容 -

Bandwidth Engine芯片 – 减少BOM成本以及电路板空间


  • 最高性能之单一芯片设备
  • 一个Bandwidth Engine芯片能够替代多数传统内存设备

传统解决方案以及Bandwidth Engine芯片之比较


Bandwidth Engine 芯片之传输效能:

  • 创新(On-chip测量&统计)→业界独一无二
  1. Removes bottlenecks through ALU efficiency
  2. 400GE line rate metering, 16M@100GE Counters, 4M@400GE Counters
  • 效能→在单一芯片中之最高处理速率或突发速率
  1. Enabling single chip 200G+ designs
  2. >2X any competing solutions – peak performance at 75% reads or balanced R:W
  • 电信商等级之质量及可信度
  1. Bit Safe™ Self Test and Self Repair Option
  2. Memory core: < 10 FIT/Mb
  3. Interface: < 1 FIT
  • 系统价值→汰换多数内存设备
  1. Delivers tangible Power, Footprint and Economic advantages
  2. Efficient Serial Interface and GCI Transport Protocol



扩展FPGA应用范例 (拥有性能、大小、功率及低成本之优势)


Bandwidth Engine 2系列


